Nov. 26, 2019

TeeLaunch - Entrepreneurs Don't Give Up

TeeLaunch - Entrepreneurs Don't Give Up

In part 2 of this feature, , Founder of , continues to share how he started and built TeeLaunch and how after 130,000 installs, it continues to be one of the best ways to start and grow a Shopify business.    In part 2 of this...

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The Story of a Brand

In part 2 of this feature, Christopher Hamze, Founder of TeeLaunch, continues to share how he started and built TeeLaunch and how after 130,000 installs, it continues to be one of the best ways to start and grow a Shopify business. 


In part 2 of this episode, Christopher shares:
- The vision of TeeLaunch
- Custom products and their plant in Utah
- Why the future is expanding into new markets including Corp, Gov, & Edu
- How the quality of Print on Demand has changed and improved
- Advice to entrepreneurs including
 * Don't get over your head with debt
 * There's a time for a strategic retreat
 * Start Small
 * Leverage your relationships
 * Don't easily Give Up
 * Find lessons in every failure
Join us while Ramon Vela interviews Christopher in Part 1 of this episode and hear them share the inside story of a brand.
For more on TeeLaunch visit:

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