Jan. 18, 2022

NOWATCH - The worlds first Aware-able

NOWATCH - The worlds first Aware-able

**This episode is brought to you by **   In part 2, and , Co-Founders of , say that “you need to get everything out of today because nobody knows what's going to happen tomorrow.”   It's more about encouraging people to explore their...

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The Story of a Brand

**This episode is brought to you by Sendlane**


In part 2, Timothee Manschot and Hylke Muntinga, Co-Founders of NOWATCH, say that “you need to get everything out of today because nobody knows what's going to happen tomorrow.”


It's more about encouraging people to explore their senses. The brand doesn't want to add one more screen to your life. According to them, it’s essential to have a plan to make technology work for you, not on you.


They partnered with Philips Biosensing. Philips was so pleased with NOWATCH's approach and application of their technology sensors to wearables that they licensed their products to them. Their wearable will be available in the coming spring.


In part 2, they discussed:


* What do in a moment of stress
* Their Mobile application
* Coaching ability
* Power of gratefulness
* Partnership with Philips


Join Ramon Vela, Timothee Manschot, and Hylke Muntinga as they break down the inside story on The Story of a Brand.


For more on Nowatch, visit: https://nowatch.com/ 


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This episode is also brought to you by Sendlane.


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