Jan. 18, 2022

NOWATCH - The Time is NOW

NOWATCH - The Time is NOW

**This episode is brought to you by **   “To help every human get more from each moment in life,” that's the thought behind NOWATCH. In part 1, we have and , Co-Founders of , the first wearable that helps you actively predict and manage...

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The Story of a Brand

**This episode is brought to you by Sendlane**


“To help every human get more from each moment in life,” that's the thought behind NOWATCH. In part 1, we have Timothee Manschot and Hylke Muntinga, Co-Founders of NOWATCH, the first wearable that helps you actively predict and manage stress by giving you insight into your cortisol levels.

It all started four years ago when Hylke received the bad news that he had a genetic disease that would cause him to go blind. The doctors aren't certain of when blindness will occur, only that it will happen.

During this time, Hlyke and Timothee had long talks about living and being "present." They wondered if they could help people see time in a new way. That's when they launched NOWATCH, a wearable technology built to help you develop a new relationship with technology and yourself.

NOWATCH products are a combination of state-of-the-art technology with ancient gemstones.

In part 1, they discuss:

* Gratefulness
* Hylke's story
* Overview of the company
* Society and mental health
* NOWATCH products

Join Ramon Vela, Timothee Manschot, and Hylke Muntinga as they break down the inside story on The Story of a Brand.

For more on Nowatch, visit: https://nowatch.com/ 

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This episode is also brought to you by Sendlane.

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