Jan. 19, 2022

KlipTrio - The First-ever Patented 3 in 1 Pet Nail Trimmer

KlipTrio - The First-ever Patented 3 in 1 Pet Nail Trimmer

**This episode is brought to you by **   “If I don't know something, I will educate myself” - tells Alexandre. In part 2, , Founder & Inventor of , a first-ever patented 3 in 1 pet nail trimmer with an integrated stainless steel nail file...

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The Story of a Brand

**This episode is brought to you by Yotpo**


“If I don't know something, I will educate myself” - tells Alexandre. In part 2, Alexandre Contreras, Founder & Inventor of KlipTrio, a first-ever patented 3 in 1 pet nail trimmer with an integrated stainless steel nail file & disposable styptic powder cartridge, talks about how he started his journey with education and persistence.


It took him 4 times to get patents and 6 years to design KlipTrio. He never lost hope through the never-ending bureaucratic process. Plus, his experience in the veterinarian world, proved to be a critical factor in creating an innovative product.


Alexandre wants KlipTrio and disposable styptic cartridges to be the standard in the veterinary profession. He also wants to mark the 6th of October as 'National Trim Your Pet’s Nail Day'. According to him, every entrepreneur encounters people who don't believe in them. He did meet such people but his family's support kept him going.


He discusses:


* His goal
* R&D phase
* Doubters in his journey
* Marketing plans
* National trim your pets nail day
* His charity organization


Join Ramon Vela and Alexandre Contreras as they break down the inside story on The Story of a Brand.


For more on KlipTrio, visit: https://kliptrio.com/ 


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