July 1, 2020

June Smart Oven - Smart Enough to Cook By Itself

June Smart Oven - Smart Enough to Cook By Itself

Co-Founders and share with us their intriguing journey of creating an innovative oven that has the ability to learn how to cook on its own.   In part 1, Matt Van Horn and Nikhil Bhogal discuss The urgency in ensuring that your product is...

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The Story of a Brand

Co-Founders Matt Van Horn and Nikhil Bhogal share with us their intriguing journey of creating an innovative oven that has the ability to learn how to cook on its own.
In part 1, Matt Van Horn and Nikhil Bhogal discuss The urgency in ensuring that your product is technologically advanced, How to research and create a product that has an opportunity to always improve, Creating a product that stands out in a way that helps consumers solve a problem that no product has solved before and so much more. 

Join us while Ramon Vela interviews Matt and Nikhil in Part 1 of this episode and gets the inside story of this amazing brand.

For more on June Smart Oven visit: https://juneoven.com/

Gorgias -  Gorgias.link/story
Fenix Commerce - https://www.fenixcommerce.com/
Retention Science - RetentionScience.com