Dec. 1, 2020

Hugh & Grace - Parenting a Company

Hugh & Grace - Parenting a Company

In the second part of this Feature, and , Co-CEOs and Co-Founders of  talk about unity in a company. They urge entrepreneurial listeners to get ready for stress and uncertainty as their company grows, and how important it is to be...

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The Story of a Brand
In the second part of this Feature, Sara and Ben Jensen, Co-CEOs and Co-Founders of Hugh & Grace talk about unity in a company. They urge entrepreneurial listeners to get ready for stress and uncertainty as their company grows, and how important it is to be united with your partner.

They say that growing a company is just like parenting a child together.

They talk about how cracked skin turned into an emergency room visit. With healthy skin this could be avoided, and that further inspired the birth of Hugh & Grace.

They outline the early hustle for their brand and different people’s reluctance to pick up their product. Since Sara and Ben were parenting their company, they were patient and determined and it led to their ultimate success.

In part 2, we learn how to parent a company, the difficulties in the beginning, and fighting through the oversaturation of the skincare market.

Join us while Ramon Vela interviews Sara and Ben and listen to them share the inside story of a brand.

For more on Hugh & Grace, visit:

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