May 19, 2020

Ghurka - Where Memories, Emotions, and Craftsmanship Meet

Ghurka - Where Memories, Emotions, and Craftsmanship Meet

When , CEO and , CMO of  started managing the brand, they knew it was an iconic brand that had lasted decades for a reason. They soon learned from past customers just what this brand meant to them. One customer recounted to them how she...

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The Story of a Brand
When Steve Latkovic, CEO and Anna Latkovic, CMO of Ghurka started managing the brand, they knew it was an iconic brand that had lasted decades for a reason. They soon learned from past customers just what this brand meant to them. One customer recounted to them how she clutched her Ghurka bag while she was in Germany and watched live and in person when the Berlin Wall fell, something she would never forget. Customer stories like this are why a Ghurka bag is more than just a bag, it's a story filled with emotions, memories, and old-school craftsmanship. 
In part 1 of this feature, Steve and Anna discuss The Ghurka Origin, Why this isn't just another Bag, How the brand elicits emotions and memories from people, How to run a brand as a married couple, The management team journey, Building a brand is also about knowing your strengths and weaknesses and being honest, How Anna fell in love with the brand, and so much more. 
Join us while Ramon Vela interviews Steve and Anna in Part 1 of this episode and gets the inside story of this killer brand.
For more on Ghurka visit:
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