June 10, 2020

Blenders Eyewear - A Time for Leaders to Lead

Blenders Eyewear - A Time for Leaders to Lead

Please note we recorded this remotely over a month ago in the height of the pandemic, some of the audio is spotty but the wisdom is real. In this Feature, , Founder & CEO at , give us his candid, and sometimes vulnerable, perspective on life...

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The Story of a Brand
Please note we recorded this remotely over a month ago in the height of the pandemic, some of the audio is spotty but the wisdom is real.

In this Feature, Chase Fisher, Founder & CEO at Blenders Eyewear, give us his candid, and sometimes vulnerable, perspective on life during the height of Coronavirus as well as the inside story of this amazing eyewear brand. Plus, while much of this interview is based on our collective experience facing COVID-19, I was struck by how much of what Chase discusses can also be applied to any moment of crisis. 
In Part 2, Chase discusses Consumer behavior post-COVID-19, Teaming up with non-profits to give back, Why consumers want a brand they can lean into, Advice for Brand Owners, What authenticity means to Blenders, Storytelling and Blenders, Why you should practice introspection and self-improvement, More advice for entrepreneurs, and Why hard work outpaces intelligence in business and so much more. 
Join us while Ramon Vela interviews Chase in Part 2 of this episode.
For more on Blenders Eyewear visit: https://www.blenderseyewear.com/
Gorgias -  Gorgias.link/story
Fenix Commerce - https://www.fenixcommerce.com/
Retention Science - RetentionScience.com