Sept. 10, 2020

Amrita Health Foods - Transparent About Our Ingredients

Amrita Health Foods - Transparent About Our Ingredients

In the second part of this Feature, Founders & CEO at , explains that for all of those who are worried about catching breakfast on their way to work, whether it’s the lack of time or dietary restrictions like allergies or veganism, worry no...

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The Story of a Brand
In the second part of this Feature, Arshad Bahl, Founders & CEO at Amrita Health Foods, explains that for all of those who are worried about catching breakfast on their way to work, whether it’s the lack of time or dietary restrictions like allergies or veganism, worry no more. Armita Foods is providing the perfect on-the-go snack for all of those who need a quick bite and don’t want to waste any time. Amrita Foods recreates the experience for all of those who want to receive all of the nutrients that they need while also enjoying the taste. As Arshad says, the protein bars in themselves are reimagined to not taste like the traditional protein bars but still provide the consumer with the right amount of protein that they need. Here's the rest of the story.
In part two, Arshad discusses; COVID Impacts; Product transparency and the importance of ingredients; Recreating the taste of a protein bar; The COVID Pantry; Armita’s social mission; Packaging and pricing; Future of Amrita; And so much more. 
Join us while Ramon Vela interviews Arshad in Part 2 of this episode and listen to him share the inside story of a brand.
For more on Amrita Health Foods visit:
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